2022Day40: Maybe I work so much with kids because they give me peace.... that age where they have not yet learned to be ugly, hateful or negative(Just true beautiful angels). When I'm down sometimes, I just think of some of the coolest kids I've known or all the good times I've had with my sibs' kids. If us grownups could just take our minds to early childhood years
2022Day034: Sandra Sanchez once said "The black artist is dangerous. Black art controls the 'negro's reality, negates negative influences and creates positive images." That's a powerful statement. I want to continue to be "Dangerous" in everything I do...
2022Day017: I always tell people I'm just an ordinary man doing extraordinary things. I also keep myself surrounded by extraordinary individuals. When you're able to get likeminded individuals on the same positive path, there are no limits to what you can do together...