2022Day034: Create Positive Images
2022Day034: Sandra Sanchez once said "The black artist is dangerous. Black art controls the 'negro's' reality, negates negative influences and creates positive images." That's a powerful statement. I want to continue to be "Dangerous" in everything I do. It's a good dangerous that fights agains all the negativities that are pushed out to misrepresent black people as a whole. I will always create positive black images and continue to nagate negative influences that are teaching our kids the wrong things about us. I feel like it's my duty as an artist and influencer to flood the media with positive black images as much as possible. Not just in my art, but in my living. I purposely keep all my actions and interactions positive, I intentionally spread positive vibes and I love positive people. It's a blessing to be a creator and a duty to create responsibly. I hope others in my position will continue negate negative influence and never stop creating positive images for future black generations. #bolofresche #artbylevar #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings