2022Day044: It feels good to feel good. When you do what you love and love what you do, you genuinely feel good. I love being able to live free and just do things that I love to do. I'm still performing on stages, sponsoring events, traveling, teaching and just genuinely having fun. It doesn't take millions of dollars...
2022Day043: I wish I could get people to understand "the Lost Art of Listening". Sometimes it's good to sit & talk with someone older who can drop some knowledge on you. I was looking back at some memories today and came across the thought that as often as I can, I try to talk with my Popz(The O.G.) & my Momz(The Oracle). They've always got something to say that I learn from, even if we're just sitting there clowning and laughing...
2022Day40: Maybe I work so much with kids because they give me peace.... that age where they have not yet learned to be ugly, hateful or negative(Just true beautiful angels). When I'm down sometimes, I just think of some of the coolest kids I've known or all the good times I've had with my sibs' kids. If us grownups could just take our minds to early childhood years
2022Day039: "Only the Crazy & Fearless Win Big" -Arthur Wylie. My peeps and I talk about this often. I've been most successful with business and life when I've Fearlessly did something Crazy...