2022Day031: It feels good to feel great. When you do what you love and love what you do, you feel great and feel more free in how you move in your life. I love the feeling and I love shareing it...
2022Day030: Spending time with family is important to me. I always want my neices and nephews to know that the time I've spent with them is more valuable than any amount fof money I've spent on them. I don't have kids yet, but I'd want them to know that too. I make it a point to try and visit family as much as possible, show up for events and sports and be available as much as possible. I often say "uncletime is All the time" and I really mean that. I believe that the best thing you can do for kids is Show Up...
2022Day029: I make it a point to stay consistent in my actions. I've been spreading love and working with kids for a long time. We've traveled all over the place with family and with "HBO Crew" and brought many other kids with us from state to state. I've been able, in recent years, to travel to other countries and sponsor hiphop events for kids. I know most of my people think I just started....