2022Day062: The Harmony of Chi
2022Day062: I want to always listen to, read about and learn from the elders. Grand Master Wong Keiw Kit once said “This is a great universal truth; we are by nature healthy; illness is an unnatural, temporary state when certain systems of the body are not functioning as they should. The harmonious flow of chi restores a person's natural functions. It is also excellent for overcoming emotional and mental problems and managing stress”. I'm always eager to learn about anything that can help me manage stress and keep my body in tune. I want to continue to learn from every great human I come in contact with, read about or hear about. There is always some good that I can use; there is always a lesson that I can learn. Sometimes it sounds foreign to me, but I try to wrap my mind around it and apply it to my life. It's exciting as I continue to grow.
#bolofresche #365dayspositive