2022Day033: Have Fun
2022Day033: Life is fun when you have fun doing life. Is what you do fun?? I have fun with everything I do. If it isn't fun, I Ain't doing it. I guess it goes with my "do what you love and love what you do" phylosophy on life. It makes life so much more pleasant when you actually have fun with you career, family, hobbies or whatever you can apply that to. I often see people who seen so angry and salty when enteracting with others at their workplaces and it saddens me. If life starts to take a negative turn for you, you have to find a way to fight to do whatever it takes to change that narrative for yourself. Take whatever steps you need to get a career that you love, whatever steps it may take to remove yourself from those who block your fun and be willing to make whatever sacrifices needed to get to your goal. People look at individuals like me and think it's just crazy to think you can have fun All the time and just be happy, but that's just what it is. it's possible if you want it to be. It's happening. And I love it.
#bolofresche #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings